The skin at the distal ends of the fingers turn black shrivels. The fungus produces masses of conidia which form a pinkish coat. The entire fruit and bunch is affected in severe cases. Sometimes main stalk of bunch diseased. The bunch becomes black and rotten. Acervuli produces cylindricalconidiophores, hyaline, septate, branched. Conidia hyaline, non-septate, oval to elliptical.
Acervuli are usually rounded or sometimes elongated, erumpent. Conidiophores are cylindrical, tapered towards the apex, hyaline and septate. Conidia are hyaline, aseptate, oval to ellipitical in shape.
Mode of spread and survival
The spread of the disease is by air borne conidia and numerous insects which frequently visit banana flowers also spread the disease.
Post harvest dipping of fruits in Carbendazim 400 ppm, or Benomyl 1000 ppm, or Aureofunginsol 100 ppm.