This disease affects almost all citrus varieties irrespective of root stock. Stunting of leaf, sparse foliation, twig die back, poor crop of predominantly greened, worthless fruits. Sometimes only a portion of tree is affected. A diversity of foliar chlorosis. A type of mottling resembling zinc deficiency often predominates. Young leaves appear normalbut soon assume on outright position, become leathery and develop prominant veins and dull olive green colour.Green circular dots on leaves. Many twigs become upright and produce smaller leaves. Fruits small, lopsided with curved columella. The side exposed to direct sunlight develops full orange colour but the other side remain dull olive green. Low in juice and soluble solids, high in acid. Worthless either as fresh fruit or for processing. Seeds poorly developed, dark coloured, aborted.
Rickettsia like organisam
Mode of spread
Infected budwood; psyllid vector-Diaphorina citri
Control psyllids with insecticides. Use pathogen free bud wood for propagation. 500 ppm tetracycline spray, requires fortnightly application.