The lesions in early stages appear on the underside of the leaves assmall semi-translucent dots, whichfinally become sharply defined pustular elevations. In later stages, leaves often become distorted, wrinkled, stunted and deformed. On the fruit, lesions consist ofcorky projections, which often break into scabs. The opposite surface corresponding to the warty growth shows a circular depression with a pink to red center.
Ascostroma are simple, innate, intra or sub epidermal, partially erumpent at maturity, small pulvinate to crustose. Asci are ovoid. Ascospares are 1-3 septate oblong to elliptical and hyaline to yellowing conidia are produced in acervuli. Conidia are hyaline, ablong, elliptical with two minute droplets of their ends.
Mode of Spread and Survival
The pathogen survive in off season as ascospores and spreads through Conidia.
The diseased leaves, twigs and fruits should be collected and destroyed. Spraying of Carbendazim 0.1% is quite effective